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Antique Pool Cues
Antique Pool Cues

Antique pool cues are crafted out of the finest of woods and carved meticulously to maintain the perfect balance and size. When they were made, sophisticated machines were no where in picture, naturally each antique pool cue is an ode to engineering.

First billiard cues saw the sunlight in 17th century. When players hit the ball with the plain wood, they felt the need of control. Then the tips were introduced in 19th century by Francoise Mingaud. In 1845, Brunswick made the first cue of billiard for itself. These cues were carved out of maple, ebony and rosewood. European antique cues are very popular and preferred. France and Germany set their standard in making cues by using exotic woods and stylish makes.

There are certain key features that boast of their being antique. First of all, their handles. There would be intricate work. Many high-profile and sophisticated cues come with expensive inlays made of gold, silver or mother of pearl. Their packaging and presentation is impressive as well. They come wrapped in silk like material.

These beautiful billiard props are good collectibles. The antique pool cues enhance your social value when collectors put them in their billiard room for display.